Monday, May 23, 2011

L.A Noire

Well, what can I say about this game?

Gta-esque controls combined with detective work in the time of the 40s in California, Los Angeles along with plot elements in the form of war time flashbacks. Win.

This 5 year baby collab between Rockstar and Team Bondi is famous not just for it's gameplay, but the Motionscan tech used behind it. This tech allowed for gameplay elements like lie symptoms which was integral for a heavy weight detective game.

The detective work along with the city itself is a beautiful representation of the 40s complete with legit cars. Action sequences with combat is akin to a third person cover based shooter with Weapons like the lovable M1 Garand, the Thomson and of course, the sought after M1911 Colt sidearm.

The flow avoids the repetition trap Assassin's Creed fell in by introducing new elements with every few cases, for example, After the first Act of the game, we are introduced to a moment where we can choose 1 of 2 victims to charge for murder.

Investegation itself involves evidence collection by either searching the crime scene, the living quarters of related parties, vehicles and even taxis that are free roaming around town.

Graphically, Need I say anything? Its a friggin console game. That aside, There are no issues of clipping, the vehicles look sweet and it's already there. 10

Gameplay lovingly replicates the style of detectives of the 40s. There is never a dull moment if you know what you're doing, despite some annoying moments when clues are hidden so well. 8

Sound meshes so well with the game it makes LA more alive. Hats off to Rockstar. 9

The overall plot is solid as more is revealed about Phelps through the events of the game. 8

8.6/10 (rounded up)

Till next time

This is Sam
